
  Nowadays, our life is connected to many "digital" devices:  from PC, laptops, tablets, smartphones to "intelligent" watches such as Samsung Gear, Apple Watch ... both them for work or relax. They all helped us to work better, as well as to enjoy and experience life more than before. And, we thanks them for their "appearance".

However, in this world there are some "bad guys" that always want to "exploit" many personal sensitive data, from any industries or fields, even in any countries or regions. And, the recent "disaster" of Wanna Cry ransomware is an example. This "poisonous" one is more dangerous than other viruses people ever know. Once infected, people is forced to pay money for the attacker(s) to recover data, otherwise (data) melted into "smoke", as long as the infected system(s). ☹☹☹

But this will not end. Other attacks will occur in "near" future , with the High "frequency" and high "speed" we've ever seen. So, what helps us safe or prevent from those attacks? Do we think that device security or protection "terms" are only for the "experts", and we depend all on them?

Not yet. We can ourselves protect our devices, data, our work and life. Things we need are our awareness, carefulness, some "strategies" to prevent and face to not only attackers in the short terms, but also to secure our work and life in the long terms.

And, I'm happy to "walk" with you in this security "journey".

Stay tuned,

Blog's Author


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